About This Blog
I've tried blogging at various points in my life, usually after something has shaken up my life in a very real way, resulting in the desire to reinvent myself. As a blogger, I guess? It should go without saying that none of those efforts ever really panned out.My last effort coincided with the biggest shake-up to date. I honestly can't think of any other time in my life that has been so packed with change, both good and bad. In the span of six months I lost my mother very suddenly and unexpectedly to suicide. In my grief, I lost 20 pounds in the course of a month. My immune system all but shut down and I succumbed to one illness after another (strep throat, pneumonia, you name it). I moved to a new city exactly one month after my mother's death, leaving behind a job I'd had for five years and a city I'd lived in for nine. I moved in with my partner, Ben. I got a new job. My cat battled and survived cancer. I sought treatment for depression.
I thought that would be sufficient fodder to keep a blog going, but I was wrong. I had been beating myself up over my latest failure, until I realized something: I think I know why that blog (and the ones before it) failed. Rather than writing about what was actually going on in my life, I was trying too hard to stick to a theme. My last blog was focused on crafting and cooking, and some days it was like pulling teeth to come up with something that would fit into one of those categories. Sometimes you just want to write about gardening, or the news, or your cat, you know?
And so moving forward I intend to do just that. I am going to focus on the things that actually interest me, rather than trying to squeeze my life experiences into categories. I hope this will make for a sustainable blog. Hence, "sustainterest".
Here goes nothing.